wall type registers with one way adjustable blades function

wall type registers with one way adjustable blades function

Shahrokhi wall type registers with one-way adjustable blades have multi parallel blades which can be fixed or moved around the auxial pins.

دریچه دیواری یکطرفه ثابت و متحرک

دریچه دیواری یکطرفه ثابت و متحرک

These registers used for supply, return or exhaust air.

Horizontal or vertical blades may be arranged for any deflect setting position.

دریچه دیواری شاهرخی

the air flow pattern for different blades setting. It is noted that the

throw and drop will decrease as the angle of the deflection increased.

جهت جریان هوا در دریچه دیواری یکطرفه

The blades will affect the spread as follows:

  1. For 0 deg deflection (straight) angle, the total spread of the air stream is one-third of the throw.
  2. For 22.5 deg deflection angle, the total spread of the air stream is about 45 percent of the throw.
  3. For 45 deg deflection angle, the total spread of the air stream is two-third of the throw.

Shahrokhi Industrial Group

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